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作曲:Gustav Jonsson/Markus Sepehrmanesh/Tommy Tyser
編曲:Skot Suyama

不愛的不斷打擾 你愛的不在懷抱

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bsbmaggie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Therru no Uta

作詞:宮崎吾朗 / 作曲:谷山浩子 / 歌:手嶌葵

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Marvelous and Congratulation !!


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看緯來體育台播女壘 中華vs朝鮮
中華對紐西蘭和新加坡(分別是10:3 和12:2 奪下)都算是輕鬆拿下分數

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It's time to have fun~
I've expected it for so long but now it's coming
and I don't know how to pass the break...

Heard many friends are going to prepare English tests like TOEIC

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Happy New Year~~~


星期五晚上,和姊姊去看了「博物館驚魂夜」。這部片算是宣傳做足了吧,前幾場的口碑場聽說場場爆滿!且,絕色在首映的時候,也是都不剩空位!!班史提勒(Ben Stiller)這次真的是拿出了他所有絕招,拼命逗得觀眾哈哈大笑,尤其是他與匈奴人過招的時侯,笑得我快不行了!另外,我想歸功於我的美國文學老師的課程吧,在這次的電影裡頭,也有提到Lewis & Clark & ,只是我沒想到,Lewis & Clark & Sacagawea在旅程當中,竟然吵架吵得那麼兇,而Sacagawea完全被晾在一旁(Sa-ca-ga-wea大家要唸好喔!)…在這部片中,我以為暴龍是最具威脅的,但…牠好像是裡面最無害的一隻(親愛的小龍~丟根骨頭給你~)…看完了這部片子後,我常會把它和我們博物館比較(事實上,我假日去上班的時候,常聽到有客人提起這部片,而且當客人看到館內的展示品時,都說好可怕…我想,他們真的是想太多了!),其實,我家的博物館也沒展特別多的雕像(大多是古物展品),有的也是十三行人而已,所以,我想Night at Museum 不大可能發生在館內吧,有的話,也不是那麼好玩。

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Just finished the middle exam today and feel quite relaxed now~~

When I went home by school bus and seated next to a lowerclasswoman,

she just started chatting with me and we chatted a lot. It's interesting

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Congratulation!!I got my new uniforms!!

Although I had new uniforms, still don't

fit in the group...ok, forget it!!

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Let’s explain the pictures first!! For the ghost festival, the background of the pictures is made for special effect, ha ha~~( the fact is that pedestrian didn’t take the camera well…)

Masa is Japanese and he comes to Taiwan for checking the selling of his company product. And Cherry and I, will be his one day tour guide!

As Cherry and I wait for Masa in front of Shin Kong Mitshkoshi department store, we feel bored and start to guess which one may be Masa. After 15 minutes, we’re just tired of this game and wonder where Masa is. Suddenly, my cell phone ring and it’s Masa!! Because this is my first time to chat with Japanese especially in English, I don’t know the ascent and catch no idea what Masa said. I took the phone to Cherry and have her to answer the phone but she doesn’t know what Masa talks about, either. Oh my god!! As I run into this kind of situation, I doubt if I’m an applied English student…However, thanks to my intelligent brain, I figure out what he means: information counter! Masa carries many staff, stands next to the counter and greets to Cherry and me. Masa, wearing casual shirt and short pants, is not tall one but is tall enough for me. (Coz I’m not tall…)

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  • Jul 15 Sat 2006 19:32
  • 近況

暑假的我,好像變得特別忙?!原本假日就在十三行博物館當服務員,現在暑假,又幫自己找了份星期一到五的part-time job!!今天到十三行,感覺又學到東西,見識到什麼叫作「知識豐富」的人。平常在四樓站點時,當客人問一樣東西時,我只會稍為提供一些資訊,不過,今天看了一位前輩的問答及談吐,讓我覺得自已---還有進步空間!!另外,從這次的打工經驗來看,我真的認為,一個人的工作表現,不只是靠能力而已,更重要的是,要看自己能不能把工作的人際關係給經營成功。我承認我在這方面真的不內行,(雖然跟我熟的人都全部否認…),和不太認識的人,我的話真的不夠,是不知找啥話題嗎?!或許吧,我要再加油!!我覺得自己很幸運,因為在十三行工作的人都很不錯,尤其有幾位前輩很好,跟我說一些私底下的事,我學很多!!努力朝解說員的方向邁進吧~~~我老媽最近迷上了karaoke(卡拉ok)在她的要求和全家人「不介意」的配合之下,我家,就生出來一組家庭式的音響組,就這樣,我家成天「沉溺」於我媽那「悅耳」的嗓音當中…
P.S.我又把哈利波特重看了一次,在看得過程當中,我對第六集「混血王子的背叛」最沒印象,dou si da?!

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Statement to our fans from the Backstreet Boys regarding Kevin Richardson departure from the group:

“Earlier this year, after much soul searching, Kevin Richardson came to us and told us that he had decided to leave the group and pursue other interests. He gave his blessing to continue the music without him. We have no intention of replacing Kevin, and the door will always be open for him to return to the Backstreet Boys. We wish him the all the best in his future endeavors. This weekend we are returning to the studio to begin the follow-up to Never Gone, and will see you later this year with a new album.”
Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell and AJ McLean

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