Happy New Year~~~


星期五晚上,和姊姊去看了「博物館驚魂夜」。這部片算是宣傳做足了吧,前幾場的口碑場聽說場場爆滿!且,絕色在首映的時候,也是都不剩空位!!班史提勒(Ben Stiller)這次真的是拿出了他所有絕招,拼命逗得觀眾哈哈大笑,尤其是他與匈奴人過招的時侯,笑得我快不行了!另外,我想歸功於我的美國文學老師的課程吧,在這次的電影裡頭,也有提到Lewis & Clark & ,只是我沒想到,Lewis & Clark & Sacagawea在旅程當中,竟然吵架吵得那麼兇,而Sacagawea完全被晾在一旁(Sa-ca-ga-wea大家要唸好喔!)…在這部片中,我以為暴龍是最具威脅的,但…牠好像是裡面最無害的一隻(親愛的小龍~丟根骨頭給你~)…看完了這部片子後,我常會把它和我們博物館比較(事實上,我假日去上班的時候,常聽到有客人提起這部片,而且當客人看到館內的展示品時,都說好可怕…我想,他們真的是想太多了!),其實,我家的博物館也沒展特別多的雕像(大多是古物展品),有的也是十三行人而已,所以,我想Night at Museum 不大可能發生在館內吧,有的話,也不是那麼好玩。

OK, last night, I did a kida crazy and stupid thing. I sent about 20 messenges to all my friends but only got a few return messenges... that's ok, I just want to share the happinessto all of you and thanks for your carings of pass year. What's your New Year's resolution for 2007? Make a wish and hope your dream can come ture~~

To my old sister
I love you and hope you have a smooth 2007 and enjoy your life!!

To Cherry
You're a active girl and I always feel impressed about your good motivation!
Hope you are closing your goal~~

To Nancy
I was supprised to get your messege and THANK U~~
You're a sweet girl and hope we can know each more in 2007!

To Ashely(am I spelling wrong?!), little green , my dear 阿珍
I really enjoy the days between you and me and you're always
the part who push me and listen to me and THANKS~~We can always act together~

To dear Ann
Thanks for always being my side and I really treasure the good memories between us!
Always want to find more time to gather with you but we're always busy, so Just hope
you're good and sound!!

Still, there are many many people i want to thank for and I love you all. I always thanks for my friends. Without you, I don't think I can live on this earth.
So, どうもよろしく お願いします!! 在新的一年裡,也請大家多多指教囉!!

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